You have the keys to your new home.
You may be contemplating whether to paint or not to paint before moving in.
STOP! Don’t Paint – Yet
Though it may seem to be the perfect time to do so, it is not ideal.
Let’s find out why?
Same Colours Vary

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
There are literally thousands of paint colours, tints, tones and shades.
Colours remain the same. Yet, they will vary, from house to house and room to room, according to the light source of the room or area.
You may have seen a colour that you absolutely love; but will it work in your new home?
Moving In
Let’s assume you have painted the walls, while your new home was empty.
By this time you would pretty much have a good idea what is to go where once the movers arrive.
At last the big day arrives.
….and you move in.
This could well be the moment you realise that the colour of your lounge suite does not go well with the favoured (new) colour on the wall.
The rug in the bedroom somehow does not look quite right. It now makes the room seem darker, even smaller. At your previous home, it had quite the opposite effect.
You did measure the entrance area. All items will and do fit in with room to spare, and yet it looks small, overcrowded and uninviting.
So what went wrong?
STOP! Before You Paint

Your previous home was styled and decorated according to the features, colours, ambient light and designs present.
In your new home, with its fresh coat of paint, you could have assumed all will be amazing, good and new.
Now that you have moved in, it does not quite have the look or appeal you had in mind.
The answer is found on the newly painted walls.
Moved In – Now Paint Those Walls

Only once you have moved into your new home, will you be able to ascertain what colour/s on the walls would actually work best to complement your artworks, rugs, lounge suites, dining room suites, accessories etc.
Picking the wall colour/s once all your things are inside your home, though you may feel is not ideal, would be the best course of action to take.