Hiring a Designer might be a whole new, foreign world to you – and even though designers often have their own individual processes, here are a few steps on how we do things at Let’s Revamp so you know what to expect when hiring one of our designers.
Step 1: Questionnaire
After initial contact and a quick phone call discussing your requirements for your home, we will send through a general Questionnaire for you to fill out. This helps us to get a better idea of your personal style and requirements so that we can have some ideas together for before your initial consultation.

Step 2: Organise a Consultation
We will then organise a suitable date and time for an on-site Consultation at the property you are requiring to have styled. During the consult we will have a walk-through of the spaces and sit down to discuss some options and ultimately get to know you better so we can deliver the best final result that fits your personal taste/style appropriately.

Step 3: Measure and photos
At the consultation we also like to do a quick measure of the spaces and take some photos for us to refer back to during the design process. This helps us to find the most appropriate pieces for your space whilst considering the size and spatial elements of each area.

Step 4: Post-consult follow-up
We will then follow up with an email consisting of a breakdown of the information we’ve gathered from the Consult. This gives you a chance to clarify anything and make sure that we are on the same page with the project.

Step 5: Ongoing correspondence via email/phone
Once we have given you confirmation that we have a clear understanding of your needs, we will start gathering some ideas together for you and send them through for your feedback so we can make adjustments accordingly. This stage can be as collaborative as you wish depending on the time you have available for responding and also your desired input in the design process.

Step 6: Finalisation & installation
Once the final design has been decided on, we will order the items for you and, if required, we can also help with the installation once it all arrives and set everything up for you.

If you’re interested in hiring a designer for your home please contact us at info@letsrevamp.com.au or give us a call on (02) 9659 2556.